Super helpful! I don't usually have pockets and carrying a bag around a friend's house feels cumbersome so this has been great for me. The cord feels sturdy and the metal adjusters are snug enough to move when you want them to but stay in place while walking.
Build quality is very good. However, the weight is heavy compared with silcon case. Anyway, thank you for the customized text for this case and for Samsung mobile with MagSafe function. Thank you.
Great!! Exactly as expected. The matte option is beautiful, and the case fits perfectly without being difficult to get off of the phone. I have damaged cases in the past just trying to get it off of the phone, so I was glad about this factor.
I also use a mag charging stand and ordered this case, hoping the magnet would be strong enough for accessories. It is! Works perfectly with a standing magsafe charger, and the matching ring you can attach to it is very appealing and works just as well. Very good magnet.
I have received lots of compliments on this case as well. Shipping was fast for an international order too. I am very happy with this product and shopping experience. Highly recommend!
beautiful case, fit the phone well, appears protective and has a small lip over the screen. We added a name in the back and my daughter loves it. So far it has held well - she has used it about 2 weeks now.
So many compliments on this phone case! Very sturdy case to make sure my screen doesn't get cracked and very vibrant colors
The Item is very useful for such a fair price and love the service they provided.
Communication is a great plus.
Highly recommended~
Very nice! The quality is really great and there are many choices for customization.